Q: How can I get my website listed in MavenSearch.com?
A: To have your website considered for inclusion in the MavenSearch.com directory and search engine, simply complete the submission form found at http://www.mavensearch.com/submit/
Q: I submitted my website weeks ago, why is it still not listed?
A: There could be a number of reasons for this. Firstly it is possible that we have not yet processed your website and it is still in the queue. Free submits take around 3 months to be processed. Secondly, your site might have been rejected for not fulfilling the criterea for a free listing in MavenSearch.com
Q: What are the criteria for a free listing?
A: MavenSearch.com is a directory and search engine for Jewish content related websites. If your website is of this type and is not obscene or missionary then it stands a good chance of being accepted.
Q: Are Israel related websites which are not directly Jewish content related accepted?
A: We accept a lot of Israel related website if we feel they fit the mould of the directory.
Q: I'm Jewish - does this qualify for my business website to be listed?
A: Your religion is not a criterion for a free listing but the content of your website as described above.
Q: How do I go about updating my entry listing on MavenSearch?
A: Just send an email to help@mavensearch.com with the updated details. Don't forget to include the current entry listing (ie Website Name and URL) so we can locate you in the database.
Q: Some of the listings lead to dead links, what should I do?
A: We are constantly checking the listings to ensure they are valid and current. Sometimes you cannot get access to a website due to a temporary problem. The best thing to do is try again later. However, if you do find a dead link, please report here.