Le judaïsme libéral: Les choix et les valeurs de la Communauté Juive Libérale Rhône-Alpes. L'identité juive, La conversion, Le cycle de la vie, Le cycle de l'année, La cacherout, La tsedaka, L'égalité, La Shoah, Israël,Glossaire
Homepage of the 7 Liberal Congregations in the Netherlands (under construction), with addresses and basic information on where we stand in the Jewish spectrum and what we offer.
PARDeS, the Progressive Association of Reform Day Schools, a nonprofit organization committed to alternative schools for Reform Jewish education, an affiliate of UAHC.
Each week, Rabbi Neal Joseph Loevinger answers questions and questions answers on Torah Judaism. A virtual free-for-all sponsored by KOLEL: A Centre for Liberal Jewish Learning
The Israel Movement for Progressive Judaism (IMPJ) is Israel’s liberal Jewish religious movement, and a constituent member of the World Union of Progressive Judaism. Progressive Judaism (also known as Reform or Liberal Judaism) emerged in nineteenth century Europe and is now the largest Jewish religious movement in the world, with almost two million members in 43 countries around the globe. The World Union for Progressive Judaism also includes the Reconstructionist movement, a distinct stream of Judaism.
Educational and programmatic resources, news information, and advocacy tools for the Jewish community on peace efforts and social justice causes in Israel.
Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom is the only Reform Temple in Quebec, Canada. It has a congregation of over 1250 families. It is a recognized leader in Judeo-Christian relationships, as well as providing its membership with a multitude of on-going educational and religious programs.