Chabad of Westmount is the closest daily Orthodox minyan to downtown Montreal. We welcome tourists and visitors. Shachrit and Mincha / Maariv Minyan, Shabbat services, Friday night dinners, hospitality package. Classes in Kabbalah, Torah studies and Jewish thought.
features talks and discourses of the Chabad Rebbeim translated into English through Real Audio. There is also a section pertaining to aspects to the coming redemption.
The purposes of the [CHJCC] are: to deal with matters of local or international concern to the Jewish community of Crown Heights and to be instrumental in effecting cooperation among the various Jewish organizations of such community.
A Chabad Home for students of Yale University. We have regular Friday Night Carlebach Minyanim followed by meal and Shabbos Beginner Minyan followed by Kiddush. We also offer classes through out the week and food for all that want. All are Welcome!!