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Judaic Resources Unlimited |
Judaic Resources unlimited provides lifecycle services to the unafiliated and Jewish learning to small synagogues and the Christian community at large. Educational lectures to Christian organizations is presented in a non-judgemental atmoshphere with the intent not to argue points of view but to enhance brotherhood and tolerance through education. | |
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Junity is a site where the Jewish Community can truly connect and share. From announcements of life cycle events to documentation of family histories, Junity allows us to relate the experiences that shape our lives. The variety of tools and services offered makes communicating information easy and fun. | |
Kaddish Prayer |
Have you ever longed to say Yizkor, Kaddish, or a Psalm for a departed relative but were not able to? The KADDISH Organization can now help you by saying these prayers on your behalf. We give you the ability to have these traditional prayers said for a departed. | |
Kadish Services in Israel |
Many people wish to say Kaddish for their loved ones, but find it difficult or even impossible. We are one people with one soul. Hence, Torah law teaches that when needed, one Jew can say Kaddish on behalf of another.
Kaddish Online will perform a Kaddish Prayer over your loved ones graves in Israel, will visit their graves or will light candles on your behalf. | |
 | - The Guide to Everything Kosher |
Most comprehensive database of kosher goods and services worldwide. Complete industrial and consumer listings of and information on individual products, wines, liquors, restaurants, bakeries, butchers, grocers, supermarkets, caterers, tours, and hotels. | |
L'Mazeltov Jewish Childbirth Education Book |
"L'Mazeltov" Jewish Childbirth Education book is now available!
L’Mazeltov is a creative integration of traditional childbirth education and Jewish life events, designed especially for Expectant Parents. You will appreciate the high quality of professional education that L’Mazeltov offers you.
Learn to create a Jewish family lifestyle IN YOUR OWN HOME at the very start of your parenting journey.
Great gift idea! | |
Marriage Counseling & Family Counseling In Israel |
Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling in Israel. Unique in-home therapy techniques designed to fit your work schedule! A revolutionary technique that has brought marital happiness to hundreds of families! Sorry, we can only service Israelis. English spoken here!! Specializing in Olim and Aliyah adjustment counseling. Working for over 20 years in Ashkelon. By Appointment only | |
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