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Related : Jewish Learning : Judaism |
Torah |
| | is an online magazine dedicated to Pursuing Justice, Building Community, and Repairing the World. We provide articles, resources, Jewish learning, and community building opportunities from a social action and social justice perspective for Jewish activists, volunteers, families and individuals, leaders, and anyone seeking to deepen the connection between Judaism and social justice. | |
Spirit Magazine |
A website for Spirit! Magazine. A quarterly publication exploring family issues and developmental disabilities. Focusing on information, inspiration, chizuk and hashkafah from a Torah perspective. | |
TanakhML |
Tanach Hebrew text and online related tools: Hebrew/English text browser, verse accentual structure analyser, form concordancer. | |
Tehillim Insights |
This site is dedicated to learning about Tehillim, and improving our prayer techniques. There is also a section where you can submit names of people who need Tehillim said for them. Also, you can take a look around at the Tehillim related subject material, such as: Articles, Commenteries, Psalm Translations, Stories, Quotes, and more! | |
Tehillim Insights |
This site is dedicated to learning about Tehillim, and improving our prayer techniques. Take a look around at the Tehillim related subject material, such as: Articles, Commenteries, Psalm Translations, Stories, and Quotes, etc | |
The Czech Torah Network |
The Czech Torah Network is an educational organization formed to link synagogues and religious institutions that have Czech Torah Scrolls. During the past 35 years, over 1,500 Czech Torahs have been rescued and distributed by The Czech Memorial Scrolls Centre of London, England. They are now on permanent loan throughout the world. | |
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