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Related : Jewish Learning : Judaism |
Torah |
Weekly Dvar |
The Torah teaches that we should use everything we have for something positive, and this website/Email project is just my/our way of doing something positive with the internet and Email. | |
Yiddishkeit . org |
More than a collection of links, is your online Torah library. Our goal is to seek out and present the best Torah on the web, enabling everyone to learn and appreciate the transcendent nature of Torah and the spiritual stature of the Jewish people. | |
Yodan Publishing |
The Ohs and Ahs of Torah reading. A guide to the kamatz katan in the Torah, the Haftarot, and the Megillot. A resource for Torah readers, prayer leaders, Bar/Bat Mitzvah teachers, Hebrew teachers,
and anyone interested in Biblical or modern Hebrew. | |
ZRS Torah Online |
This is a site that I began working on two weeks ago, consisting mainly of my writings and thoughts on Torah and the world. The site is continuously and inccessantly growing, as everything should. So hop onto the virtual subway train and check out my internet abode. Sign the guestbook, fill out the poll, check out the chat, and spew your own thoughts onto the discussion board!!!! | |
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