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Quality Judaica, Jewish, Christian and non-religious gifts from Israel. We offer a huge selection of tallits, shofars, mezuzahs, menorahs, candles, tableware, and jewelry, all designed and produced by renowned Israeli artists and artisans. | |
Israel Press Service |
The Israel Press Service - formerly the World Zionist Press Service - provides the Jewish press, Zionist federations, Jewish organizations, etc. all over the world with positive feature stories and photos on Israeli life and society. These include articles on aliya, culture, economics, hi-tech, business, science, education, Israeli-Arab coexistence, entertainment and sport. A popular feature of this service is the special Holiday packets prepared for Israel Independence Day, Jerusalem Day and Rosh Hashana, as well as material for Chanuka, Pesach, Holocaust Day, etc. | |
Jewish Holidays |
Jewish holidays aren't simply a time to attend synagogue, they are often a time for fun and excitement. Discover activities and traditions to accompany your favorite Jewish holidays. | |
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