Arieh Wagner of Silberhorn Catering presents this years pesach in the swiss apline resort of Davos! Highest standard in quality, accomodation and kashruth. Glatt Kosher - Non Gebroks
For years we have served our guests with the warmth and caring of our family and staff in our constant efforts to provide each guest with the very best experience in a family friendly atmosphere. This is equaled only by our unsurpassed Gourmet Glatt Kosher Cuisine, Synagogue Services, stimulating cultural programs, star-studded entertainment, day camp and special singles program and exciting off premises trips.
THE HOLISTIC HAGGADAH is a fascinating guide to the inner journey that the Passover Seder evening offers us. It is a daring commentary that challenges each of us to go down into our self-imposed Mitzraim (Egypt) and face our attachments and the false gods that confine us. It then beckons us forth to true freedom and a more meaningful relationship between ourselves and God.