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Related : Jewish Festivals & Holidays |
Chanukah |
Graphics Schmaphics Judaic Greeting Cards |
Free Graphics Schmaphics Judaic Virtual Greeting Cards. Designs by Daybreak's Roz Fruchtman has created a new free Judaic greeting card site which contains all her own original graphic creations combined with options to change color of text and background, use a predefined greetings and closings or customize to your own needs, write a personal message and choose a companion midi file, among other options. | |
Hanukkah in CyberSpace |
Hanukkah history, traditions, books, fun for kids, graphics, greeting cards, history, traditions, recipes, music midis, and more | |
Hanukkah-Greetings.Com |
Hanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights. Symbolized by menorahs,dreidels and fun,it is a festival of warmth and love,peace and togetherness. Make sure you wish all your friends,family and loved ones on this joyous occasion through our warm Hanukkah greeting cards and ecards. | |
My ten year old daughter and I have just made a Hanukkah website. I run an online support group for RSD sufferer's and their families. RSD is a neurological disorder ( a debilitating disease) which effects an estimated 6-7 million people today. I have dedicated the site to everyone who has it and their loved ones who have had their lives changed by Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and to help promote RSD Awareness. Thank you for considering adding my list to your list of linksmy site! | |
Isikoff Report on Politics |
This "Hanukkah Message supporting Wes Clark for President" was posted Dec. 14 by Amy on the Isikoff Report. I thought it a wonderful and timely message, am also very impressed with this Report, which I only just discovered. Sorry to be so slow in getting the word out -- family festivities intervened -- but better late than never. As Amy says, this IS a critical time for Democrats who're serious about recapturing the White House, a critical time for the world. | |
jerusalemwebstore is an online shop of judaica. All it products are from ISRAEL. Our items are shared in those categories. Sterling silver judaica, Religious items, Dead sea cosmetics, Jewellery, Israeli art and craft, Israeli wines, Children gifts and more. | |
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