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Agritranslate |
Technical translators and agricultural professionals. Providers of Spanish-English and English-Spanish translation service specializing in agricultural sciences. Their area of expertise includes such subjects as crop science, animal husbandry, edaphology, irrigation, forest science, farm equipment, agricultural inputs, biotechnology, farm management, agricultural economics, rural policy and natural resources. | |
Berlitz |
Berlitz offers a variety of programs and services to meet the needs of our customers around the world.
Learn about programs in your region by choosing the country where you are located from the drop down menu or by moving your cursor over an area of the map.
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Click Translation |
Click-Translation provides quality translation services in over 30 languages, including French, German, Spanish, Italian, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, Dutch and Swedish. Our team of handpicked linguists are native language professionals who are experts in subject areas such as technical, medical, legal and financial | |
English Hebrew Dictionary by Topic |
Interested in reading the Bible? Want to learn modern Hebrew? Need English to Hebrew translations of words in specific topics such as business, politics, or science? You can now increase your Hebrew vocabulary online for free. | |
Hebrew Language |
website devoted to Hebrew language -- resources for learning, Hebrew slang dictionary, features on learning Hebrew, with links to many resources on the internet | |
Hebrew-Phoenician Alphabet, Olmec Alphabet |
At Las Lunes, New Mexico, in the United States, around 1000 B.C.E or earlier Hebrews chiseled the Old Testament into the rocks in an ancient form of Hebrew....... Hiram signed the Jews on to his merchant marine fleet in apprenticeship and we know one of the lands they visited was India. Did the Jews of New Mexico travel there with the Phoenicians? Or did they learn to travel on their own? Or did they board ship on the Red Sea and travell with the Olmec civilization people to Veracruz-Tobasco Mexico and push up to New Mexico? Unanswered questions! Did the significantly Chinese as well as African Olmecs have the HIV plant cure? Did they grow it in their Veracruz gardens? Is it now growing wild near the ancient ruins? Unanswered questions! This ancient Olmec Alphabet, half sister to the Hebrew-Phoenician alphabet, may focus the sunlight throught the magnifying glass on the area where the HIV plant cure will be found. This falls under what President Clinton called "The moonshot to find the HIV cure". | |
Jewish Language Research Website |
Around the world, wherever Jews have lived, they have spoken somewhat differently from the non-Jews around them. Their languages have differed by as little as a few Hebrew words or as much as a highly variant grammar. There has been a good deal of research on a number of Jewish languages, including Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish, Judeo-Arabic, Judeo-Italian, Jewish English, and Jewish Neo-Aramaic. This website displays some of this research and the scholars who create it. | |
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