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Related : Jewish Music : Yiddish |
Klezmer |
Casco Bay Tummlers klezmer band |
Klezmer music is the stuff joyous parties are made of. Jewish or not, this music will make your feet want to dance. The Casco Bay Tummlers from Maine have their own unique sound featuring flute, clarinet, bass, accordeon, guitar, and drums. Whether playing stetl music or jazzed up solos, a simcha or serious concert venue, the Tummlers are your band. | |
Khupe - klezmer dialogues |
One of Europe's finest klezmer music ensembles - Khupe is an artistic dialogue of profound intensity, Yiddish instrumental music played at a chamber music level, a narrative music that is ecstatic and nimble, unadorned and poetic, serious and unsentimental, virtuoso and humorous - a wholly living music full of lightness, warmth and depth, a music that is always growing while remaining deeply rooted in tradition. | |
Klezmaniacs |
Rollicking young Klezmer band from Boston. Available for concerts and simchas on the East coast and beyond. Visit the Klezmaniacs homepage to hear our CDs, read about our world tour, and see our letter from the Pope! | |
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