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Jewish Charities |
Friends of Israel Disabled Veterans, Inc. |
Friends of Isreal Disabled Veterans raises funds for the Zahal Disabled Veterans in Israel. The Beit Halochem Centers, which we fund, provide rehabilitation for disabled veterans in many forms, including physical therapy, sports programs, family, cultural and educational programs. | |
Friends of Yemin Orde |
Friends of Yemin Orde supports Yemin Orde Wingate Youth Village which is home to more than 500 disadvantaged and immigrant youth from 22 countries around the world. Located just south of Haifa in the Carmel Mountains, Yemin Orde is both a home and school environment. The success of the village in integrating children from diverse cultures and backgrounds, cultivating their self-esteem, and building leadership through innovative educational and community outreach programs has attracted widespread acclaim from within and outside Israel. | |
Geulath Israel |
I am raising funds to purchase bulletproof vests and other lifesaving equipment for our soldiers. There are not enough of these vests to go around and soldiers are literally risking their lives on a daily basis (and unfortunately sometimes losing them) as a result. Each vest costs over $1000. This may be a lot for a vest, but it is little compared to the value of a Jewish life. Saving a life is akin to saving a world, so I ask you to try to give as much as you can to help in this vital work. | |
Give Daily |
This website provides a forum for interested people to register to give Tzedaka each day to a variety of Jewish and secular charitable institutions. Donors can receive a regular email about the charity donated to that day by the funds collected by Give Daily | |
I RESCUE (Formerly Youth Aliyah) |
I RESCUE (formerly Youth Aliyah) is a UK charity that cares for needy children from all over the world in our five Youth Villages in Israel. These children are forced to leave their homes and families for various reasons. Many are orphans, others have to be rescued from abuse, poverty or severe neglect. Once in place in one of our Villages, we provide springboards out of lives of deprivation, crime and misery. | |
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