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Jewish Studies |
Science & G-d in Balance |
This study demonstrates that the chronology of Israel can be tested and found perfect with computers. It then shows Sabbath patterns in Israeli history. It sites men like Rab Simon Schwabb concerning the Seder Olam chronology. It is proof that G-d has and still is controlling Israel's history. If you like proof, then you will like this site. | |
Shalom Hartman Institute |
Founded in 1976, the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem is a leading innovator in the field of pluralistic Jewish thought and education. At a time when globalization and assimilation threaten to dilute the Jewish heritage, and when Judaism is too often perceived as a divisive force in Israel and abroad, it is our mission to discover new ways from within the tradition to promote mutual understanding among Jews and people of different faiths, and to stimulate a renaissance in Jewish life. | |
Society For Crypto Judaic Studies |
Halapid is the newsletter of the Society For Crypto Judaic Studies. The SCJS serves the following purposes: The fostering of research and networking of information and ideas into the contemporary development of Crypto Jews of Iberian origins. Membership is open to anyone interested in this fascinating field one who is interested in this immensely fascinating and perplexing area. | |
The Academy for Jewish Religion |
The Academy for Jewish Religion is the only Rabbinic school and Cantorial school not affiliated with any denomination. Our Klal Yisrael institution was founded in 1956. Our students come from all movements and our ordained rabbis and cantors serve the Jewish people in all branches of Judaism. Our programs of Rabbinic studies and Cantorial studies are taught by a distinguished faculty drawn from every movement and stream in Judaism from Reform to Hasidic. Many of our students come to us to begin second careers | |
The Academy for Jewish Religion |
The Academy prepares men and women to serve the Jewish community as congregational spiritual leaders, chaplains, educators and as communal professionals. The Academy trains rabbis and cantors inclusive of all movements and approaches to Judaism. We welcome, without regard to race, age or sexual orientation, students who are committed to the highest ideals of devotion to God, Torah and Israel. | |
The Allen and Joan Bildner Center for the Study of Jewish Life at Rutgers University |
The Center for the Study of Jewish Life is located at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Our mission is to provide an interdisciplinary academic program in Jewish Studies, fund research in the area and sponsor a wide variety of outreach programs to the community. Last year we dedicated our Holocaust Resource Center which sponsors educational programming in the area throughout the region and provides research and resource information on the Holocaust. | |
The Bronfman Youth Fellowships In Israel |
Twenty-six outstanding Jewish teenagers from Canada and the US spend five fulfilling weeks of study, dialogue and travel in Israel. They will interact with a diverse group of rabbinic faculty, counselors and North American and Israeli fellows representing a wide range of Jewish perspectives. | |
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