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Related : Israel Current Affairs : Israel News and Information : Jewish Entertainment |
Jewish Newspapers |
Middle East Newsline |
Middle East Newsline is an independent news service. Correspondents gather information from Amman, Cairo, Jerusalem, London, Moscow, Nicosia, Ramallah and Washington on developments in the Middle East and cover issues such as missile defense, weapons proliferation and terrorism. The focus of MENL is strategic and the service is daily. | |
Olam |
This Web site is an extension of the Olam magazine. It includes articles on Judaism by celebreties, rabbis, and non-Jews. It also features internet radio with an electic selection of Jewish musi. | |
TamTam |
Der Yiddisher Tam-Tam is a bi-monthly for Yiddish student published by the AEDCY (Association for the Study and the Development of the Yiddish Culture) in Paris. | |
The Forward |
Americas historic national Jewish newspaper. Founded as a Yiddish daily in 1897, the English paper carries on the tradition of intelligent, controversial writing covering the American Jewish community with a level of depth and insider knowledge you cannot find anywhere else.
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