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Jewish Magazines |
Na'amat USA |
NA'AMAT, Hebrew acronym for "Movement of Working Women and Volunteers," is an organization & a movement striving to enhance the quality of life for women, children and families in Israel, the U.S. and around the world. NA'AMAT women act locally, nationally and globally in 16 countries. We are united in belief and in action around issues ranging from religious pluralism to an improvement in the status of women at home and in the workplace, from child well-being to peace in the Middle East, from the ability of single parents and new immigrants to build a life for themselves to the end of domestic violence. We help women, and we help women help themselves. | |
Pride - The Israeli Gay and Lesbian Magazine |
Pride - The Israeli Gay and Lesbian Magazine. The first Israeli gay and lesbian magazine which operates to raise awareness in subjects relating to the gay and lesbian community pilitically, socially and culturely.The magazine is in Hebrew, it is sent to subscribers around the world which subscribe to it via the internet. | |
RAICES. Revista judía de cultura |
Raices is a Jewish-culture magazine published in Spain by Sefarad Editores, since 1986. Each three months, the best information, excelent articles and a harsh opinion about the Jewish cultural life in Spain and in the world.Raices addresses to readers of opinion magazines, scholars on Judaism and, specially, to whoever wants to know better the sefardic culture. Jewish-Spanish arts, letters, history, language and thought are its fields. Raices is the only spanish publication about these topics and one of few in the whole world.
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Shai |
An exclusive maritime magazine. Here you'll find updated shipping schedules and airtransport timetables, concerning Israel and the global market. | |
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SHALOM LE MAGAZINE JUIF EUROPEEN. SHALOM DAS EUROPÄISCHE JÜDISCHE MAGAZIN is published in Swizterland since 15 years in printed version in French and German and sold by subscription only. We just opened a site in French, German, English, Spanish, Ivrit and Russian. | |
 | | is an online magazine dedicated to Pursuing Justice, Building Community, and Repairing the World. We provide articles, resources, Jewish learning, and community building opportunities from a social action and social justice perspective for Jewish activists, volunteers, families and individuals, leaders, and anyone seeking to deepen the connection between Judaism and social justice. | |
Sparks! |
Jewish "edutainment" for kids, ages 9-13. Includes stories, articles, games and interviews. "We're going to make you laugh, but we'll also make you think! | |
Spirit Magazine |
A website for Spirit! Magazine. A quarterly publication exploring family issues and developmental disabilities. Focusing on information, inspiration, chizuk and hashkafah from a Torah perspective. | |
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