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Results 91-105 of 120 |
Jewish Hospitals & Medicine |
OSSG-Kosher |
The list is specifically for those who keep Kosher and having Gastric Bypass Surgery, Vertical Banding Gastroplasty (VBG), Roux en-Y (RNY), Adjustable Laparoscopic Band (Adj Lap Band) or other weight loss surgeries Open or Laparoscopic. This Club is open to all persons interested in researching weight loss procedures, wls surgeons, support groups, and post operative issues like plastic surgery and maintaining weight. We encourage everyone to post. Please note all recipes listed should be Kosher along with food or protein recommendations. | |
Rambam |
Rambam, the Institute of jewish midicine is on its course to teach and reveal Jewish medicine, the center provides a place for people from Israel and around the world to come together for workshops, seminars and events | |
Shalom Retirement Hotel |
Kosher retirement and senior assisted living facilities in the heart of Los Angeles' Jewish community. Priced very favorably compared to New York, Miami and Israeli equivalent. Try us for a month -- no lease. | |
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