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Related : Jewish Social & Personal |
Jewish Dating & Jewish Singles |
 | | is the only online Jewish Matchmaking site that allows you to select a Matchmaker that will be your own personal agent to finding the right match for you. Whether you work with a Matchmaker today or need to find a Matchmaker that meets your needs and personality, our system will allow you to experience a Matchmaking process that facilitates more accurate matches. This accuracy is achieved through a combination of personal input from your Matchmaker, matching criteria that you put into the system and comprehensive information about the potential match.
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Shalom |
Meet other Jews from around the world.This site will be big. South African Jews, Australian, Israelis, Americans, and those from UK | |
shalomcity | is an incredible opportunity to meet jewish people all around the world ... FRIENDS, BUSINESS CONTACTS or maybe THE PERSON OF YOUR DREAMS. Hundreds people have already signed in, so what are you waiting for? Sign-up ! It's free ! And tell your friends about the site ! | |
Shidduchim |
This list is to exchange information about Halachic Jewish singles (Jewish from birth or converted via Orthodoxy) and Noachide Singles who are observant or interested in becoming more observant. This list is only for marriage minded - singles and shadchanim or any other interested person. Here we can post general information. Personal information to be exchanged off-list once the "connection" has been made. | |
shiduchim |
Are you looking for your Shiduch(Soul mate), tired of filling out long forms going through a hassle check out this site its easy to use, you will like it try it out, see for your self. | |
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