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Related : Jewish Regional Resources : Jewish Western Europe |
The Jewish Quarterly |
The Jewish Quarterly is one of the foremost Jewish literary and cultural journals available in the English language. Published continuously in London since 1953, the JQ leads the field in Jewish writing, covering a wide spectrum of subjects including art, criticism, fiction, film, history, Judaism, literature, poetry, philosophy, politics, theatre, the Shoah, Zionism and much more. | |
The Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies |
The Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies offers a one-year Diploma course(from October to June) in which students study one language intensively (Biblical Hebrew, Modern Hebrew, or Yiddish, at various levels), choose and study six subjects from a wide range of options listed each year, and write a 10,000 word dissertation on a subject of their choice.
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Totally Jewish |
Jewish UK site offering London Jewish news, Jewish dating services, information on Jewish festivals and the Jewish calendar, in-depth details of the Jewish religion and food and, in-depth guides for Jewish weddings, bar mitzvahs and other celebrations. | |
Totally Jewish Dating |
Jewish UK site offering London Jewish news, Jewish dating services, information on Jewish festivals and the Jewish calendar, in-depth details of the Jewish religion and food and, in-depth guides for Jewish weddings, bar mitzvahs and other celebrations. | |
Travelink Group Ltd |
Travelink are the number one travel agent and tour operator to israel from the uk. We specialize in flights,tours,hotels,group travel and much more.Experienced travel consultants can help with all your travel requirements to Israel - at the very best prices! | |
Tymsder Publishing |
Tymsder Publishing is a new publisher dedicated to books on the history of Anglo-Jewry. First books include history of the Jews' Free School, the history of the London Jewish Hospital and the former synagogues of London | |
Tzedek |
Tzedek is a Jewish overseas development and educational charity. It is based in the United Kingdom and was founded in 1990. Tzedek has two principal aims: Firstly, to provide direct support to the developing world working towards the relief and elimination of poverty regardless of race or religion. Secondly, to educate people, particularly in the Jewish community, as to the causes and effects of poverty and the Jewish obligation to respond. | |
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