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Related : Jewish USA |
Jewish New Jersey |
Newark Seafood Center |
Suppliers of fresh fish daily on the retail and wholesale level. We are able to make deliveries throughout central New Jersey, and can ship fresh seafood across the country. We also carry homemade styke gefilte fish. We are under the Hashgacha of the Vaad of Metro-West | |
Passaic Park Mailing List |
This is an e-mail list for the growing Orthdox Jewish Community in the Passaic Park/Clifton area of New Jersey.
Discuss issues, inform others about events and shiurim, rentals, homes, sell, trade, etc. Also if you are interested in moving to Passaic eventually then this group is for you
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Politz Day School of Cherry Hill |
Politz Day School of Cherry Hill is a modern orthodox school, Nursery - 8th Grade. New construction 2004! Strong dual program. Large pre-school rooms, science lab, library, beit medrash, computer center, Midot curriculum emphasized. Graduates are bused to several orthodox high schools. | |
Princeton, NJ |
The only synagogue-center in Princeton, NJ. Traditional, egalitarian, 700 families, 600 children in Religious School; family education, havurah minyan, 20 havurot, outstanding adult and family education. | |
Shomrei Torah WCC |
Shomrei Torah Wayne Conservative Congregation. The site includes links to Mens' Club, Sisterhood, the Hebrew School, PTO, USY, Kadima, Pre-Kadima, Wayne's Jewsh World (pre-Kadima), and more. | |
Synagogue of the Suburban Torah Center |
The Synagogue of the Suburban Torah Center is a Modern Orthodox synagogue situated in beautiful Livingston, NJ. The synagogue currently has approximately 225 member families and is an active and vibrant community. There is a nursery school, mikvah and outstanding youth program associated with our synagogue. | |
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