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Jewish New York |
Shkoyach - Jewish Comic Strip |
Sh'koyach is the story of an agnostic shrimp and Dave, an orthodox Jew living in Brooklyn, NY. From fear of being eaten by goyim, Shrimp moves in with Dave and learns about what its like to live as an Orthodox Jew. Sh'koyach's humor runs along the lines of orthodox judaism poking fun at and explaining various concepts in modern day jewish life. | |
Solomon Schecter School of Manahattan |
Jewish day school that will provide its students with the highest quality in general and Jewish education. The school will offer a challenging and rigorous set of academic and extracurricular programs on a par with the finest schools in New York City. | |
Studio 613 |
Studio 613 is a performing arts and fitness center for Jewish Women and Men (all classes and facility hours are separate) in the Monsey, New York community. The core focus of Studio 613 is dance instruction and exercise. Classes are offered for women in aerobics, acrobatics, drama, self-defense, and the visual arts, and Karate and visual art classes for boys. In addition, Studio 613 is proud to introduce
the GYM, a brand new fitness center for men and women (separate hours). Also hosted birthday parties and dance clothing are available. | |
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