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Jewish Washington DC |
Beth Chai, The Greater Washington Jewish Humanist Congregation |
Founded in 1978, Beth Chai is a Jewish Humanist congregation serving the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Through its vibrant congregation, Beth Chai offers its members a wide variety of activities and services including: A Sunday School, A Bar/Bat Mitzvah program, A rabbi, Social events, Tzedakeh and social service opportunities, Jewish holiday celebrations, Community activities, Pot-luck suppers, A monthly newsletter | |
Jewish Council for the Aging |
The Jewish Council for the Aging of Greater Washington, D.C. (JCA) helps older people in Washington, D.C., suburban Maryland and Northern Virginia to live in the homes of their choice as long and as independently as possible. JCA programs include: * The Rose Bente Lee Senior HelpLine * The Connect-A-Ride Transportation Resource Center * Transportation Services * The Misler Jewish Senior Day Program * The Steven M. Reich HomeCare Resource Center * SeniorNet Computer Training * Computer Docs * The Fitness 55 Health & Wellness Center * Senior Expos & Special Events * Senior Aides and other Senior Employment Services * The Annual Productive Aging Award Dinner * Retirement Planning Services. This year, JCA will help more than 25,000 elders and their family caregivers. | |
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