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Related : Jewish Communities & Synagogues |
Jewish Reform Communities |
Eastside Jewish Community of Portland's mission is to further the Spiritual, Educational, and Cultural needs of all members of the Jewish family. In all our activities we uphold the values of honoring elders, welcoming strangers, performing deeds of loving-kindness and practicing Tzedakah. | |
Emanuel Congregation, Chicago |
Emanuel Congregation is a mid-sized Reform Jewish synagogue with a strong interest in tradition located on Chicago's far north side in the Edgewater community. Emanuel is a member of the UAHC, the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. Emanuel is a growing, diverse, intergenerational community responsive to and directed by its members. | |
Freeport Hebrew Congregation |
The only Synagogue in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. This is a tiny Community which self-conducts Services for Erev Shabbat and Major Festivals. Services are abandoned during the Summer months. A Communal Seder is held which attracts quite a number of visitors from overseas.
We have a Bahamas Licensed Marriage Officer to act as Hameseder Kiddushin in the absence of a Rabbi. | |
Greater Southington Jewish Congregation |
Small (40 families and singles) friendly, Reform temple with part time wonderful rabbi. We offer monthly Rabbi-led services, lay-led services, adult education Bagel brunches with the rabbi, rabbi-led holiday celebrations, community seder, social events, Shabbat school, food schmooze dinners at ethnic restaurants, picnics and many more opportunities for socializing. We welcome singles, interfaith couples and families and those considering converting to Judaism. | |
Hevreh of Southern Berkshire |
We are guided by and committed to the following values: To welcome all who seek a place here. To be inclusive, comforting, intimate and joyful. To provide means for the broadest participation of our membership in Hevreh's religious, spiritual, educational and communal life. To encourage and offer opportunities for lifelong Jewish learning for adults and children. To heal the world (tikkun olam) through an active program of social action, acts of righteousness
(tzedekah) and loving kindness (gemilut hasadim) through responsible participation in the local, national and international communities.
We mark the seasons of the year and life's transitions through ritual and worship. | |
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