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Kabbalah |
HIBUKI Jewish Gifts from Israel | offers a wide range of Talisman Jewelry for all your spiritual needs. Buy Kabbalah Jewelry, Judaica jewelry, Special Amulets, King Solomons Seals, Sterling Silver Talismans, Jewish Charms, Protection Amulets and many more carefully selected items! | |
Holy Sparks |
Your premiere site for Jewish spirituality - Featuring meditation, art & books from the Jewish mystical tradition. Jewish wisdom to find your soulmate and have a great marriage. FREE art & 20 minute coaching consultation. From the beginning of Creation and throughout all time, no one was created like YOU! Explore your potential at Holy Sparks. | |
It's Good to Know Inc. |
Welcome home to a world of clarity and purpose. A world of kindness and affection. A world of service and joy. A world that illuminates the mind and warms the heart. G-d and creation, Torah and mitzvot, history and Jews, men and women, body and souls, all come together in an elegant philosophy. Finally it all makes sense.
It really is Good to Know.
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Just trust G-d |
If you are in need of a Refuah Shleima, success in an operation, an easy childbirth, or success in life in general, we'll read Tehillim for you at a grave of one of the Tzaddikim in the Galil, Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Rav Yosef Karo, the Ari... SPECIAL - Send a prayer to be recited at the grave of Rabbi Yonatan Ben Uziel. | |
kabala - Yosef Hay |
Yosef is the fourth generation to a dynasty of Kabalists and spiritualists. Since the age of 13, Yoswf has started practicing in dreams translations,giving solutions to various of problems and the ancient tradition of reading in the coffee. During the years he has specialized in the Kabala and started to help people who had love problems, resolving matrimonial problems,returning lost loves, rempving evil eyes and reversing spells.
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Kabala USA |
Author & Speaker on basic fundamental propositions set forth in The Zohar and the Sepher Yetzirah (Book of Formation). Modest fee for 1 - 4 hour speaking engagement.
Excellent program for beginners and experienced Kabalists. Ancient & Modern interpretations on The Divine Source, Tree of Life, 4 Worlds of Existence, After-Death states, The Nature of the Soul etc.. | |
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This web site is originated and managed in Israel by Rabbi Yechiel Michael Yosefi and Micha Kovler. The ideas and information within the web site were processed during the last three years, analyzed and synthesized through groups of people following a basic guideline: To help an individual become a better person via spiritual growth - by evaluating his/her life through words of wisdom.
The issues addressed are as follows:
Between a person and him/her self.
Between a person and his/her family.
Between a person and his/her work place.
Between a person and his/her society.
The site also stands out as an excellent tool for studies of the Hebrew language, combing shape with content in a new exciting way.
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Kabbala Healing Spirituality |
Kabbalistic Guide for the Return to Eden. Using the model of Adam and Eve and unique Kabbalistic principles, this site shares Kabbalistic healing techniques, powerful meditations and empowering exercises to better your health and well-being. | |
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