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Related : Jewish Learning |
Kabbalah |
The Secret Life of God |
World-Renowned Spiritual Leader Offers New View of God and Life’s Ultimate Purpose We are secret agents in the secret life of God, says Rabbi David Aaron. God lives His secret life on earth through you and me. Our mission is the meaning of our life. This is our ultimate purpose, power, passion, and pleasure. | |
Thereisone |
The spiritual mystery of mysteries is revealed.
Visual demonstrations and talks that explain the deepest and most enticing concepts of Judaism
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Thoughts on Torah |
Thoughts on Jewish Philosophy and Kabbalah; Commentary on Tefilah (prayer), Tanach (Bible) and Chagim (holidays); Courses at Conservative Yeshiva; Research on Israel and Hebrew Democracy; Shaiya Rothberg | |
TrueKabbalah |
We are a group highly dedicated to the dissemination of Chassidus and Kabbalah, with the goal that "The entire earth shall be filled with the knowledge of G-D as the water covers the ocean floor" (Prophets). Most of us have spent years learning Torah, especially the inner dimensions like Kabbalah and Chassidus, and teach both on/offline. We accept and encourage participation by everybody/anybody, and our message is universal. The only prerequisite is an open mind and a willingness to learn. | |
Yehi Or - New England Jewish Meditation Center |
We are a Para-Denominational Equalitarian Jewish Organization dedicated to the practice, promotion, teachings, and proliferation of Jewish meditation in the New England states. We support the formation of free, weekly drop-in Jewish meditation groups where Holy brothers and sisters may sit quietly and equally amongst each other in contemplative peace. | |
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