A conference in Los Angeles for young Jewish leaders from across the country. It's an extraordinary opportunity to network with likeminded 20-something Jews and professionals from numerous industries.
Career Moves is a division of Jewish Vocational Service that offers career counseling and job placement assistance to job seeking professionals. You can post your resume and search for jobs online.
Comprehensive resource for finding computer jobs in Israel. The site includes weekly job reports, salary surveys, news archive, English/Hebrew dictionary and more.
Human Resources Israel Offers, since 1988, HR magazine and HR annual conferences for HR leading professionals, training annual conference for training professionals and training managers. Also produce Organizational consultant catalog.
iDonovan.com is Israel's leading career network offering resume CV distribution, job bank, resume CV editing, resume CV bank, Angel venture capital search, business plan database, and career resource services.
Info Center provides a unique search engine to organizations and employment agencies by providing a search engine which define and recive a high level of exact data about workers needed for a veriety of professions.