The Levisson Institute for the training of Rabbis and leadership for the Dutch (Liberal) Jewish community. It is situated in Amsterdam, the Netherlands started in August 2003. Classes are given in Dutch and Hebrew.
The Homepage of the Liberal Jewish Movement in The Netherlands gives you the links to all our congregations and organisations. The Union is an active member of the World Union for Progressive Judaism. The Services are of a more traditional style than most Reform and Liberal services in other countries, as is the overall approach to tradition. Still, the LJG-Movement feels fully a part of the World Reform Movement.
Activities of the society, sources and archives in the Netherlands on the subject of Jewish genealogy, publications by the society and by individual members.
The Dutch Jewish Weekly is now online for subscribers and internet subscribers: for the first time in 141 years, Dutch Jews abroad kan instantly keep informed about what's going on 'at home'.
For over ten years Ot Azoj has been playing their own style of Klezmer. Since the formation of the band they have been a welcome guest at festivities and parties. Organisers of festivals also want to see Ot Azoj in their programming. Ot Azoj also plays a musical theatre production, called Zets!, with the singer Natalia Rogalski.
The Sjoeche foundation is largest Dutch Jewisch youth organisation, mainly organising social and cultural activities for Jewish youngsters in the age of 18-35.
De SAS (stichting Alkmaarse Synagoge) wilt het synagogecomplex aan de Hofstraat in Alkmaar wederom in ere herstellen zodat er weer Sjoeldiensten gehouden kunnen worden.
This organisation wants the old Synagogue in Alkmaar (Northern Holland) back in Jewish Life, so that the building can be the building of Jewish Life again.