Petition in favor of an additional flagstone at the Auschwitz Birkenau Memorial in Judeo-Spanish, the mother language of 160,000 Jews who were exterminated there.
Kehilat Zion in Hong Kong was founded in 1995 by business people of Syrian extraction from New York who value the Torah as a priority in their Jewish life. The Synagogue is linked to Beith Midrash Sephardic Organization in Jerusalem, a body which promotes the education and study of Torah in the Sephardic tradition as well as providing education in Jewish culture throughout the world.
the largerst selection of klezmer Music on cassette, compact disc and video available featuring Dave Tarras, Machaya Klezmer Band, Yiddish and Sephardic music
Los Pasharos Sefaradis, acclaimed as the only authentic group in the world that sings sepahrdic music. The site has information about the group, the history culture and music of the sephardim and also some
samples of the group's music.
Sitio de internet en homenaje al gran sabio Rabi Moshé Ben Maimón, Rambám, Maimonides en el 800 aniversario de su fallecimiento concentrando las actividades que en su conmemoracion se realicen en todo el mundo.
How Shall We Sing?: A Mediterranean Journey Through A Jewish Family, by Aline Pnina Tayar, published by Pan Macmillan/Picador Australian and available through or directly from the author. The book gathers together the stories of a large Sephardic family scattered throughout the Mediterranean.