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Related : Holocaust & Antisemitism |
Antisemitism |
Jewish Defense League - Western Region |
The Jewish Defense League, actively confronting and fighting the forces of Anti-Semitism, racial hatred and bigotry, whenever and wherever necessary. New and timely information of anti-Semetic, white supremacist, and racial terrorisim, in the United States and worldwide. Intelligence information about these groups and their members posted on the web site and updated frequently. Many links to other resources, and items of importance and interest to Jews everywhere. | |
Jewish Defense League (JDL) of New England & Greater Boston |
JDL is the most controversial, yet the most effective, of all Jewish organizations. Founded in 1968 by Rabbi Meir Kahane,ZT"L,HY"D , the activist group has been instrumental in such issues as Soviet Jewry, Nazi war criminals, anti-Semitism/Jew-hatred & Jewish self-defense. JDL is a non-commercial, non-profit, volunteer organization. We rely solely on donations from our membership & our supporters. | |
Mendel Beilis |
this site is dedicated to the memory of Mendel Beilis by his family
Mendel Beilis accused of a blood libel in Kiev just proir to the Russian Revolution | |
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