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Related : Jewish Communities & Synagogues : Judaism |
Jewish Reconstructionist |
Jewish Reconstructionist Federation (JRF) |
JRF provides leadership and resources to 100 affiliated Reconstructionist congregations. Growing at a rate of 15% annually, Reconstructionist Judaism is the fastest growing liberal Jewish movement in North America. People find Reconstructionist congregations to be open,inclusive and egalitarian, both in principle and in practice. United by a respect for Jewish tradition and commitment to the evolving religious civilization of the Jewish people, rather than to uniformity of ritual or ideas, JRF-affiliated communities are autonomous, progressive, and democratic. | |
Rabbi Marcia Prager's Webpage |
The Web Presence of Rabbi Marcia Prager, a vibrant Reconstructionist / Jewish Renewal teacher, storyteller, artist and therapist living and working in the Mt. Airy community of Philadelphia. A graduate of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, she also holds the personal smicha (rabbinic ordination) of Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, the visionary rebbe of the Jewish Renewal Movement, with whom she has continued to work closely. She serves as rabbi of the Philadelphia P'nai Or Jewish Renewal Community, the innovative Jewish community founded by Rabbi Schachter-Shalomi in 1973, and is the founding rabbi of a sister congregation, P'nai Or of Princeton, New Jersey. | |
Rabbi Shefa Gold |
This is a website to publicize and make readily available the schedules and teachings of Rabbi Shefa Gold - a reconstructionist rabbi who is an internationally known teacher in the Jewish Renewal Movement. Master of Hebrew Chanting - the melodic repetition of the sacred phrase - Shefa's teachings are widespread among all denominations as a healing and meditative practice. | |
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