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Jewish Lithograph |
Bruce David Creations - David Gallery |
Bruce David's art is available as original hand pulled serigraphs, limited edition lithographs, stained glass windows, glass mosaics and metal sculptures. Unique meaningful art for synagogues,
schools,and homes. Each of David's storytelling pieces is filled with special symbolism. When viewed from different perspectives, the art may be seen in different ways.
Watch as the hidden becomes revealed! |
http://www.davidart.com/ |
Duty Free Art |
Udi Merioz - a painter and and a writer runs an Art Gallery in the Old City of Jerusalem representing exhibiting Yaakov Agam / Miro / Chagall / Stern / Ben Avram / Ginzburg / Udi Merioz |
http://www.dutyfreeart.com/ |
Judaica Auctions |
The On-line Auction house Of Ben-Ami-Endres Auctions and Nunbet Bookstore. The site offers:
- Religious and other Jewish articles - Spice Boxes, Mezuzahs, Chanuka Menorahs, Coins, Medals
- Items from pre-state Israel – Bezalel, Olive wood, Toys, Pal-bel
- Books and Ephemera - Posters, Postcards, Documents, Ex-libris, Autographs
- Jewish and Israeli Art – Lithographs, Paintings and Sculpture
Our Location: 13 Idelson St. Tel-Aviv Israel Tel: 972-3-6204818 |
http://www.judaica-auctions.co.il/ |
Just Another Jilli . Com |
unusual art, judaica, lithographs, watercolours, sculpture, bar/bat mitzvah gifts, wedding gifts, gift baskets, hotplates, coasters, mousepads, mugs |
http://justanotherjilli.com/ |
kalmansjudaica |
KALMAN FREIDUS; Line and form, color and space, letter and image combine in Kalmans work to make the commonplace unique. The artist's exquisite linear quality and eye for detail breathe new life and expression into traditional jewish themes. The masterly juxta-position of nature and calligraphy, the two major influences on Kalman's life today, have produced prints of extraordinary pictorial value, true works of art that are both beautiful and a loving tribute from the artist to the Creator.
In addition to his etchings, lighographs and woodcuts, Kalman is a master scribe, an expert calligrapher trained in transcribing those holy Jewish works, which by tradition can only be hand-lettered. From his workshop in upstate NY, he produces teffillin, mezuzot, megiloth, and sifrei Torah (Torah scrolls). Kalman also accepts commissions to create original ketubot, marriage documents that signify and celebrate the union of Jewish couples.
http://www.kalmansjudaica.com/ |
Studios of Lee Loebman |
The Studios of Lee Loebman produces a wide variety of works including limited editon lithographs, Ketubot, custom art, and more! His custom artwork specializes in papercuts, watercolor, calligraphy and micrography. |
http://www.loebman.com/ |
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