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Related : Jewish Art |
Jewish Sculpture |
Jewish & Israeli Art – paintings, sculptures, limited edition prints, Judaica |
Best source for paintings, sculptures, limited edition signed & numbered prints by leading Israeli artist (Agam, Ardon, Bergner, Bezem, Gutman, Rubin, etc.) & Judaica pieces (Boris Schatz). Over 40 years of experience in the art business. Publishers of many original prints. Our Extensive knowledge & experience serve as an excellent source of information for our clients. |
http://www.binethgallery.com/ |
Jewish Latin American Art |
This site exhibits the paintings, watercolors, prints, sculpture and installations of 85 Jewish artists from Argentina, Bolivia. Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, and Uruguay. A short biography accompanies the work of each artist. This is a non-commercial site with links to commercial ones. |
http://www.jewishlatinart.neu.edu/ |
Judaica Auctions |
The On-line Auction house Of Ben-Ami-Endres Auctions and Nunbet Bookstore. The site offers:
- Religious and other Jewish articles - Spice Boxes, Mezuzahs, Chanuka Menorahs, Coins, Medals
- Items from pre-state Israel – Bezalel, Olive wood, Toys, Pal-bel
- Books and Ephemera - Posters, Postcards, Documents, Ex-libris, Autographs
- Jewish and Israeli Art – Lithographs, Paintings and Sculpture
Our Location: 13 Idelson St. Tel-Aviv Israel Tel: 972-3-6204818 |
http://www.judaica-auctions.co.il/ |
Just Another Jilli . Com |
unusual art, judaica, lithographs, watercolours, sculpture, bar/bat mitzvah gifts, wedding gifts, gift baskets, hotplates, coasters, mousepads, mugs |
http://justanotherjilli.com/ |
Lerman Decor |
A selection of ornaments, lights and other home decor for Chanukah and also in support of Israel. Includes, sculpture, waterballs, wrapping paper, lights and much more. |
http://www.lermandecor.com/ |
Maury Lipowich's Store of Jewish Saguaro Art and WoodWork |
This store contains a collection of woodwork made from saguaro ribs and branches by Maury Lipowich, artist and architect. Some of the items (the Roadrunner in particular) can be customized with inscriptions in english or hebrew and names as you wish for the person receiving the gift. Items include: figurines, sculpture, menorahs/candleholders, backscratchers, hiking sticks and more. |
http://lipowich.com/store |
Soft Dolls - Judaic sculpture |
Original sculptures portraying Jewish ancestry during the early 1900's. From characters in Fiddler on the Roof, through immigrants to Ellis Island. Each piece is an original signed sculpture ranging in size from 24 inches to six feet tall. |
http://softdolls.com/ |
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