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Chanukah Shopping and Hanukkah Gifts |
Menshenables Judaica |
Menshenables Judaica has a great new line of games, beautiful new dreidels, and menorah designs that vary from super streamlined to the favorite classics. We're adding new items
daily, and don't forget our extensive line of Gary Rosenthal (we carry it all, and the new menorahs are wonderful - of course). Chag Sameach ! |
http://www.menshenables.com/ |
Chanukah Holiday Textbooks, Workbooks and Laminated Games |
Lubavitch of Scotland are the world's only publisher of a complete series of 90 Textbooks and Workbooks, 30 Lotto and Memory Games, Transparencies for overhead projectors and Coloured Flash Cards, for Hebrew Schools and Day Schools. Our Nine General Knowledge Books plus numerous other publications have now been published in a Day Schools Edition with many more Hebrew words and no transliteration. 10 Books are translated into Russian. The Games are great for the classroom and for playing on Shabbos. |
http://www.brosh.co.uk/lubofscot/ |
Nina's Joyous Judaica - Award Winning! |
Hannukah and other Fine Art Prints, original Watercolor and Mixed Media Paintings and Collages. Gorgeous GREETING CARDS for nonprofit FUNDRAISING. An outstanding collection of Jewish images by award-winning California Wine Country Artist, Nina Bonos. Jewel-tone, vivid colors celebrate Jewish holidays,Torah, Tikkun Olam, Israel, the Aleph Bet, and Jewish Music. A visually dazzling site for both retail and wholesale customers. |
http://www.ninabonos.com/ |
Telephone +1 707 525-1521 (USA) |
Shop Now For Chanukah! ~ Traditions Judaica Has Gifts Galore |
Traditions Is Your Source For Menorahs, Candles, Collector’s Dreidels, Toy Dreidels, Children’s Gifts, Decorations, Chanukah Gifts And So Much More. Your Exclusive Online Source For ShmataWear, Yiddish Shirts And Gifts For Baby And You. Make Your Judaica Purchases With A Company That Has 3 Retail Stores In S. Florida. From Miami To Boca Raton, We Have Thousands Of Chanukah Items Ready To Ship To You. Selling Judaica Has Been Our Business For Over 14 Years. |
www.TraditionsJewishGifts.com |
'A Bissal Funny' for the Holidays |
Browse unique and original Jewish wearables and giveables with more than a smidgen of humor in all the right places. Wearables are available in sizes infant to adult 4X, so something should fit! The Chanukah section offers items like: The Proper Way to Spell Chanuk--Hanuk--Channu…oh…go see for yourself. Also, check out the two real Chanukah Bushes (snicker). Holidays, occasions, and every-dayables are available too, including 'Bubbie Shirts'. |
abissalfunny.com |
"Edges: O Israel, O Palestine" by Leora Skolkin-Smith, Edited by Grace Paley |
"Edges", a Jewish Book Council Selection for 2005, takes the reader to an Israel in 1963, before high walls formed a border, when, instead, metal wires hung "like hosiery lines" across the land. Pulitzer-prize winning novelist, Oscar Hijuelos, has called Leora Skolkin-Smith's debut novel "an elegantly written, moving novel that has a lot to say about love, identity, history and the meaning of nationality. It is gripping and unforgettable." |
http://leoraskolkinsmith.com |
Mah Jong, Mah Jongg & More Mah-Jong |
Source for Mah Jongg Merchandise for yourself or as a gift. Unique selection of tiles, games and accessories. Gifts range from napkins, t shirts & mousepads to notepads, snuff bottles & jewelry - all with a Mah Jong theme!
Sterling Jewelry : Earrings, Necklaces and bracelets and even a Mah Jongg watch. FREE Checkbook cover with combined purchase over 35.00. Offer expires 12.24.05 See site for details. |
http://www.WhereTheWindsBlow.com/ |
sales@WhereTheWindsBlow.com |
MorahMoriah |
Your source for original Hebrew-English/Russian flash cards, matching cards, prayer cards, puzzle cards, playing cards, posters, bookmarks, greeting cards, etc. Learn Hebrew and Torah using captivating visual aids and color-coded Hebrew words. MorahMoriah items are great for gifts, schools, home, libraries, camps, ulpans, etc. Engage the whole family in enjoyable Hebrew and Torah learning games. |
http://MorahMoriah.com |
Artistic Judaic Promotions
Contemporary items for Channukah from Israeli and Judaic artists
Menshenables Judaica
Fun name, Fun-ky Judaica. Unique gifts and ritual items for every simcha.
Chai Kids
Great selection of Chanukah gifts for your children and grandchildren!
Holiday Games
22 Lotto and Memory Games Coloured Flash Cards General Knowledge books
Your source for quality Judaica & books
Nina's Joyous Judaica
Award-winning Paintings, Collages, Fine Art Prints & Fundraising Greeting Cards
Magnificant Jewish art & Gifts
Israel's most unique and beautiful Art, Judaica and Gifts
Shop Now For Chanukah!
Menorahs, Dreidels, Candles Toys, Decorations, Chanukah Gifts, ShmataWear & More.
Dor L'Dor Judaica Inc
Your one stop Chanukah Shop for all your Chanukah needs dorldorjudaicainc.com
A Bissal Funny -Chanukah
Gifts, Keepers and Fun Unique and original humor Sizes infant to adult 4X
Edges: O Israel, O Palestine
A Book about Israel in 1963, before high walls formed a border
T-shirts at $7.80 only! Dreidels, Menorah's, and much more!
Mah Jongg Jong Tiles!
Mah-Jong tiles : mini to jumbo Bone & bamboo to glitter backs! Tile pushers, personalized jokers & racks. Visit now for Mah Jongg Gifts & Accessories.
Hebrew/English/Russian visual study aids for Hebrew and Torah learning