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Related : Israel : Language |
Hebrew |
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This web site is originated and managed in Israel by Rabbi Yechiel Michael Yosefi and Micha Kovler. The ideas and information within the web site were processed during the last three years, analyzed and synthesized through groups of people following a basic guideline: To help an individual become a better person via spiritual growth - by evaluating his/her life through words of wisdom.
The issues addressed are as follows:
Between a person and him/her self.
Between a person and his/her family.
Between a person and his/her work place.
Between a person and his/her society.
The site also stands out as an excellent tool for studies of the Hebrew language, combing shape with content in a new exciting way.
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 | it is written |
Many of the Hebrew prayers are transliterated line by line, and the transliterated line is translated literally word by word. Quirks of Hebrew are explained in the footnotes and notes. This site allows people with no knowledge of Hebrew to say the prayers, and a few songs and psalms, and to know what they are saying as they say it. Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform sections. | |
Israeli Hebrew is a spoken language, 'reinvented' over the course of the twentieth century. It has responded to the social demands of the newly emerging state, as well as to escalating globalization, with a vigorously developing lexicon, enriched by multiple foreign language contacts. In this detailed and rigorous study, the author provides a principled classification of neologisms, their semantic fields and the roles of source languages, along with a sociolinguistic study of purists' and ordinary native speakers' attitudes towards lexical enrichment. His analysis of the tension between linguistic creativity and the preservation of a distinct language identity takes the discussion beyond the case of Israeli, through innovative comparisons with Revolutionized Turkish, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Yiddish, creoles and other languages. | |
Larusbooks |
Dedicated to the learning of modern Hebrew, featuring the book "Keep it Simple-Modern Hebrew", the Audio book, Audio Hebrew Alphabet, Hebrew Authors' site and Solidarity Discussion Board. Owner Shahaf Peleg. | |
Learn Hebrew - with audio and transliterations |
Learn Hebrew is a free, on-line, educational resource
to learn Hebrew words. The flash site incorporates
46 topics, along with over 1,700 Hebrew words and
phrases. Each Hebrew word is presented as an image with nikud [vowels]. When you click on a word or phrase you can hear it spoken. The high quality audio was created in a sound studio. | |
Learn Hebrew Phrases with Audio |
Hebrew Phrases with Audio is a free site to learn Hebrew phrases and sentences. The flash site incorporates 54 topics with 1,200 Hebrew phrases and sentences. The Hebrew phrases are presented as images with nikud [vowels]. There are English translations and transliterations. The high quality audio was created in a sound studio. The site includes 155 Hebrew study sheets for learning offline. | |
Learn Hebrew Verbs |
A free, on-line, educational resource containing 300 Hebrew verbs conjugated in all tenses (past, present, future, imperative). The site menu provides selection by one tense or all tenses; gender or both genders; singular and/or plural. For your convenience, you can choose a Hebrew or English menu to navigate the site. | |
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