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Jewish Charities |
Virtual Volunteering for Israel |
An innovative project that strengthens the connection between
non-profit organizations in Israel and the Jews in the Diaspora
Virtual volunteering provides opportunities for Jews worldwide who want to use their skills to help Israeli Amutot (charities). There are opportunities to use technical, legal, fundraising and writing skills, or simply to act as a pen pal. |
http://www.online4Israel.net/ |
www.hazon-yeshaya.com |
Hazon Yeshaya is a unique organization based in Jerusalem serving the needs of the most destitute segment of the Israeli population. Hazon Yeshaya has four soup kitchens throughout Jerusalem (Mekor Baruch, Kiryat Yovel, Katamon and Gilo) serving more than 900 meals a day, over 20,000 meals a day, 365 days a year. All are helped, Ashkenazim and Sephardim, religious and secular, sabras and new immigrants. In addition, every day, they deliver 200 hot meals to children whose parents are alcoholics and drug addicts. They have also established day care centers for needy children, and provide monthly Bar-Bat mitzva celebrations for orphans and abused boys and girls. In addition, Hazon Yeshaya has distributed meals to fighting solidiers, and to victims of Arab terror. They also send out hundreds of holiday packages to needy families. They are now in process of considering opening a soup kitchen in Tel Aviv. |
http://www.hazon-yeshaya.com/ |
www.ohelsarah.org |
Ohel Sarah is an organisation that caters for 190 children and young adults with special needs. We operate day centres, therapy programmes and provide residential care. Ohel Sarah is based in Israel and are looking for funds to maintain its many and diverse programmes. |
http://www.ohelsarah.org/ |
Yad Eliezer |
Yad Eliezer is an organization in Israel that provides a multitude of services for Israel's neediest families. From their Monthly Food Basket Program which provides over 5,000 families with basic staples, to their Wedding Program, Big Brother Program, Job Training , .... Come visit our website and find out more. |
http://www.yadeliezer.org/ |
Yad Ezra Ve'Shulamit |
For over 15 years, we have assisted families and individuals in distress all over Israel: Widows, orphans, the chronically ill and disabled, terror victims, homebound elders, the unemployed, etc. Recipients receive weekly food baskets. We also operate soup kitchens for adults and children. We also provide schoolbags and coats to needy children, heaters to the ill and elderly, and job placement services to the unemployed. |
http://www.yad-ezra.org/ |
Yad Sarah – Helping one out of every two Israeli families |
Yad Sarah is an Israel-wide network of volunteers aiding ill, disabled, elderly and housebound people with a range of home care services. Yad Sarah helps everybody; without discrimination and without charge. Yad Sarah is financed by donations – no government assistance is received. Yad Sarah needs YOUR help to continue to provide its vital services. Your gift to Yad Sarah this Rosh Hashana can make a difference in the lives of the entire Israeli population. |
http://www.yadsarah.org/click.asp?id=19 |
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