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Related : Jewish Publishing : The Arts |
Complete Idiot's Guide to the Talmud, The |
Completing the daf yomi cycle and preparing for the Siyum HaShas? Just getting started on Talmud study and need a beginner's guide to Jewish law? Learn about the wisdom and practical teachings of judaism's most vibrant source of learning. Great gift idea for the new bar mitzvah... or anyone eager to learn how the sages speak to us today. | |
Consult Intelligence |
The book "DESERT STORMS" presents a sobering true story of our time. The book gives poignant details about those governing Israel felt while Arab leaders gaining momentium wage a unified, cruel and deliberate financial and diplomatic war-dedicated to the domination of Middle East policy. Their ultimate goal aimed toward the isolation and distruction of Israel. | |
Dating a Jew |
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU’RE DATING A JEW: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FROM MATZAH BALLS TO MARRIAGE is a lighthearted yet practical guidebook to the Jewish religion and culture geared towards interfaith couples and Jews alike. It covers everything from planning a Jewish wedding to sure-fire recipes that will please the in-laws-to-be to keeping a Jewish home. It makes a thoughtful and affordable engagement or wedding present. | |
Dead End Street Publications |
Two new electronic books now available -
JEWISH SOULFOOD by Larry Jaffe (multi-media poetry on the American Jewish experience A LITTLE LOWER THAN THE ANGELS by Marty Gallanter
a modern adaptation of the legend of the Lamed Vav Zadikim | |
Devora Publishing |
Publishers of high quality adult books that have Jewish and cross-cultural content in a number of diverse fields including science fiction, philosophy, cooking, humor, Jewish holidays, Jewish Sources, and inspiration. | |
Diaspora : homelands in exile |
Frederic Brenner's groundbreaking photographic account of Jewish culture, community and identity represents the most extensive visual record of Jewish life ever created. A 25-year exploration spanning more than 40 countries on five continents, DIASPORA shatters conventional ideas about Jews by celebrating in images and in words, the many expressions of Jews and Judaism. View select images from the book and learn more about Diaspora.
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Dov Peretz Elkins |
abbi Dr. Dov Peretz Elkins is an internationally known author, lecturer, workshop facilitator, leadership trainer and educator. He is an acclaimed expert on experiential learning. His pioneering books on values clarification, humanistic/interactive education, and spirituality have influenced a generation of rabbis, educators, and Jewish communal service workers - lay and professional. His most recently published books are HASIDIC WISDOM (Jason Aronson, 1998) and A SHABBAT READER (UAHC, 1998), and soon will appear JEWISH CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL (co-ed. Jack Canfield & Mark Victor Hansen) He is the spiritual leader of The Jewish Center, Princeton, NJ. | |
Droozy |
"Droozy: A Jewish Little Girl Goes from Germany to America" is an illustrated online children's book by Dr. Ursula A. Falk. Dr. Falk is the author of numerous (offline) publications, including "Grandparents: A New Look at the Supporting Generation" (Prometheus Books, November 2002, with Dr. Gerhard Falk). | |
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Your #1 source for digital Judaica. All books are prepared for the use by scholars and are citable, searchable, indexed, and complete with a sophisticated navigation. Upgrade your personal library into the 21st century to save time and improve your scholarship! | |
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