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Related : Jewish Publishing : The Arts |
EditionsMJR |
Bienvenu à MJR se définit comme un maison d'édition juive de langue française. Ce choix a été dicté par le fait que de nombreuses maisons
d'édition ont crée dans leur sein des collections à thématiques juives. Mais en francophonie, à notre connaissance, in n'existe pas d'éditeurs juifs spécifiques, hormis l'édition de livres religieux. | |
Editorial Bnei Sholem |
a full line of Jewish tora educational books in clear spanish language for all ages, starting with full color storybooks for kids to tora portion lectures for adults and much more. A necessity in every jewish spanish speaking home, community, school, temple, and to anyone who wants to find out about their jewish roots and customs. | |
EKS Publishing |
Instructional materials for students of Biblical and Prayerbook Hebrew. Books, comic books, audiotapes, charts, flashcards and posters are appropriate for both class use and self study. | |
Eliezer Sobel |
"Minyan: Ten Jewish Men in a World That is Heartbroken," winner of the Peter Taylor Prize for the Novel. Published in October 2004 by the University of Tennessee Press. | |
En-gedi Books |
En-gedi books is located in Zichron Ya'akov, Israel. It publishes books written and produced in Israel in the English language. Books are both non-fiction and fiction, adult and juvenile. | |
Book about some similarities between our treatment of animals and the way the Nazis treated their victims. The title of the book--dedicated to the memory of the Yiddish writer and Nobel Laureate Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-91)--is from one of his stories: "In relation to them, all people are Nazis; for the animals it is an eternal Treblinka." | |
EveryBest Gift - a tale of the ages |
ARCHAEOLOGICAL THRILLER: Every Best Gift is a provocative and meticulously researched literary work that subjects the underpinnings of religious fundamentalism to rigorous examination...a task now critical.Reviewers: "...makes DaVinci Code appear tame by comparison...doctrinal Christendom now on notice..." | |
Facsimile Editions, publishers |
Facsimile Editions publish some on the finest books in the world, specialising in exact facsimile reproductions of ancient hebrew manuscripts. Ours site includes fully illustrated descriptions of treasures such as the Kennicott Bible, The Rothschild Miscellany, The Parma Psalter and many other beautiful Hebrew manuscripts. | |
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